
Consulting – Bring your M2M project comfortably to its target


Our advice can help you to correctly assess your own situation and initiate the necessary measures. So if you require, as part of a M2M project, independent, honest and confidential advice, then you’re at the right place. We advise you in (almost) all aspects of M2M projects:

» Concept – preparation and verification of concepts

We support you in the conception of your M2M application. Choosing the correct strategy, technology and reliable partner early on in the planning phase, later saves time, money and nerves.

» Motivation – the fuel for projects

Do you need a “kick-off” for the project participants or for the management? We support you with ideas, examples, and presentations. It is much more difficult to finish a project without a good start. And believe us: there is usually more involved than you think.

» Project support – with a safety net

The realization of M2M projects is a complex undertaking. We support you in all phases of a project (visible or invisible depending on your wish) and help you to timely identify any weaknesses and eliminate them. We call it “coaching for projects.”

» Second Opinion – our “four-eyes principle”

Minor weaknesses in design are quickly overlooked especially in complex M2M projects. With our second opinion, you have the opportunity to rethink these issues and possibly save yourself a lot of stress and hassle.

» Instruction and training – important and yet often overlooked

A M2M project always requires the individual training of all involved. We provide training for both employees as well as for management.

Get in contact with us and learn more…

[contentbox headline="Our consulting principles" type="gray"]Confidentiality

We commit ourselves to strict confidentiality. During a project, but even with every non-binding request


We advise independence from any manufacturer or vendor. And we will tell you when evaluating products and manufacturers our honest opinion. Assured.

Limits and honesty

We also have limits of our knowledge and capability. If we feel that we can not entirely meet your needs, we will tell you as soon as possible
